Inception Report

Based on the information made available for our project team during the Inception Phase, the strategy for implementation was adjusted accordingly. The strategy is more detailed and we have now a clear picture of the resources we need to deploy in order to have a successful implementation. Implementation approach is organised in distinct functional areas: Legal, ICT, Organisational,  Public warning, Public Awareness and Facilities. Also, the main components of the technical conceptual design have been identified.

Stakeholder analysis was conducted and communicated in the report. One of the important stakeholders are ERO (Emergency Response Organizations). A strategy was built around them to minimize potential changes of SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) and maximize the potential of usage of current systems. As biggest challenges identified are those related to SOPs and integration between the agencies. It is concluded that the change in operations of the agencies should be gradual and minimised to support smooth transition to the new 112 system.

RATEL was also recognised as another important stakeholder. As local telecom market regulator, RATEL will have a role in  promoting and enforcing the rules and the information that has to be sent automatically by the telecom operators to the 112 system in the case of an emergency call.The inception report also contains an updated project plan and indicators. Another input for updating the project plan was the information about the Study Visits received from the Beneficiary during the Kick Off Meeting and the actual situation related to the Inception Phase.

Project team initiated the selection procedure for several NKE positions. Selecting Legal NKE is a priority since his input will be valuable in next project activities analysis of the local legal framework. Selection of Architecture expert is also ongoing. Other NKE positions that are to be filled in are Critical infrastructure expert, Digital radio Communication expert and Human resources expert. Tentative selection, contracting and deployment plan for the NKEs is summarized in the Inception Report.

The Inception Phase did not reveal any changes in relation with the overall Scope of the Work, thus the project activities and work breakdown structure (phases and related deliverables) remained unchanged.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09