Guidelines for communicating public administration reform and using social networks developed

In order for public administration to better communicate and present the PAR process and results to the citizens, the EU-funded project "Support to PAR Visibility and Communication" has prepared two important and useful documents intended primarily for employees in public relations sectors at all levels of public administration. These are the "Guidelines for Communicating Public Administration Reform" and the "Guidelines for Social Networks for Public Administration Bodies and Institutions". Both documents were created as part of the activities envisaged by the Public Administration Reform Strategy in Serbia 2021 - 2030 and the accompanying Action Plan.

The "Guidelines for Communicating Public Administration Reform" are intended chiefly for members of PR departments, i.e. for all those who deal with communication in public administration and communicate PAR-related topics on behalf of their institutions. Namely, one of the key reasons for the lack of good communication with citizens regarding public administration reform has been the lack of coordination and standardized communication of public administration reform institutions. Therefore, this document was developed to serve as a reminder with a set of rules for PAR communication that all public administration institutions are required to adhere to. The guidelines include: A Guide to the Use of Graphic Elements of the logo "Administration tailored to all of us" (“Uprava po meri svih nas”) and Communication Guidelines to promote the process and results of public administration reform.

The "Guidelines for Social Networks for Public Administration Bodies and Institutions" rely on similar documents prepared by the public administration in the previous period and provide the latest insight into social media account management and content creation for posting on social networks. Bearing in mind that social networks are very active and competitive communication channels which are constantly improving, and that their functionalities change frequently, this document points out the importance of proper communication on social networks in order to bring the work of institutions closer to the public and encourage public discussion.

The implementation of the recommendations provided in both documents ensures that public administration reform institutions communicate in a standardized way so that citizens better understand the process and results of this reform.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13