European Health Interview Survey ‒ EHIS

Population health

In the Republic of Serbia in 2019 two third of the population was considered having good health (considerably more in Belgrade Region  – 72.8%, and among active working population – 76.6%), while every tenth inhabitant thought her/his health bad (considerably more among the population aged 65  and over – 27.4%, and in the Region  of South and East Serbia – 13.5%). Men had a positive picture of their health in contrast to women: 71.3% of men thought their health to be good, and so said women - 62.1% of women.

The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, in cooperation with the Institute of Public Health of Serbia "Dr Milan Jovanović Batut“ and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia, conducted a national Population Health Survey in 2019. The survey was carried out according to the methodology of the European Health Survey  ‒ EHIS), which will enable to compare the indicators of the health of the population of Serbia with the indicators in EU countries. The data were obtained by interviewing 14 643  respondent (13 178 aged 15 and over and 1 465 children aged 5‒14 ) in 5 114 households.

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Last updated: March 13, 2025, 15:05