Employment fair for Roma in Vranje

A mini employment fair was organized on the square near the monument to Cika Mita in Vranje, which ends the project "Increasing the employability of young Roma men and women through a model of business simulations and improving business skills".

Due to the epidemiological situation, the stands were exhibited by several companies, and the visitors had the opportunity to get acquainted with the employment conditions and the type of jobs offered.

"I am very satisfied with the realization of this project, which will enable members of the Roma national minority to participate more actively in the local community. Within the project, 120 young Roma in Vranje and Vranjska Banja completed trainings for various occupations, which enabled them to perform various jobs, and thus increased the possibility of their employment", said city councilor Dejan Ivanović.

The value of the project is EUR 62,000, of which 52,000 are donations, and the participation of the city of Vranje is EUR 10,000.

The project was funded by the European Union within the grant scheme of the program "EU Support to Roma Inclusion - Strengthening Local Communities for Roma Inclusion", which is implemented by the Standing Conferences of Towns and Municipalities.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09