Roma Employment Club Opened in Crveni Krst Municipality

In order to help members of the Roma community living in the territory of the town municipality of Crveni Krst in Nis integrate and find a place in the labor market, the Roma Employment Club has been opened. The club was opened on the premises of the Crveni Krst Municipality, and within the envisaged activities, training and support will be provided to the Roma people to establish a cooperative with a sustainable business idea. 

"We have over 3,000 Roma people in our municipality and we should pay as much attention to this population as possible. This is a plan to improve the socio-economic situation of at least 50 families, or about 200 people", said Miroslav Milutinovic, Mayor of Crveni Krst. 

Although chronic and high unemployment affects all segments of society, the Roma unemployment rate is quadrupled compared to the total population, said Ivana Miljanovic, project manager.

"70 per cent of Roma people have never been officially employed. They are usually informally employed, have part-time jobs, which contributes to passivity and dependence on the use of social assistance combined with work in the informal economy. All this reduces the motivation of Roma to become active in the labor market. Added to this are prejudices and stereotypes and stigmas towards the Roma people", Miljanovic said. 

The main task of the Club will be the constant search for the best options on the market that can enable temporary or permanent employment of Roma, aimed at working age Roma aged 15-64. 

During the summer, specialized training will be organized and a cooperative will be formed, the establishment of which will require at least five unemployed Roma. The cooperative will have a viable business idea, supported by the Town Municipality, and regularly engage members in maintaining the public space in the municipality.

The Roma Employment Club was opened as part of a project funded by the European Union under a grant scheme of the EU Support to Roma Inclusion - Strengthening Local Communities for Roma Inclusion program, implemented by the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities. The total value of the project is about 66,000 euros.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13