Disseminating information on e-services available to citizens during the COVID-19 emergency

PAR Visibility & Communication Project experts supported the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government in establishing the network of local self-governments’ PRs and started disseminating information on various services (mainly e-services) and official sources of information available to citizens during the COVID-19 state of emergency in Serbia.

The network is composed of almost 200 people working in communication in towns and municipalities in Serbia. Their role is to publish the information on municipal websites, social media profiles and to distribute it to local media. In March, the Project has sent 2 e-mails with selected information (mainly with articles published on the MPALSG website). This activity continued in April.

In addition to this, the network proved to be a good two-way communication tool and some of the municipalities have used it to ask questions that were forwarded by our experts to the institutions in charge.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13