Disease control and prevention measures are crucial for animal health and welfare

Within the 89th International Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad, experts from the project „Reinforcement of Animal health and welfare “held presentations on harmonized measures to control African swine fever, biosecurity measures on the farms and the importance of animal welfare for sustainable agriculture.

„African swine fever is a deadly disease affecting pigs and wild boar. It threatens the sustainability of pig farming and hunting and the livelihoods of our country’s communities. The national veterinary services of the Republic of Serbia are making intensive efforts to stop the spread of African swine fever in the country and to implement international standards for disease control and safe trade. It is therefore essential that pig farmers and hunters report suspected animals in a timely manner and follow the biosecurity recommendations of the competent veterinary authorities in order to reduce the risk”, said Project Coordinator and Head of Animal welfare department of the Veterinary Directorate, Maja Andrijasevic. 

Speaking about the importance of implementing adequate measures to control disease, Team Leader and Animal health Expert Petras Maciulskis said that „maintaining a high level of biosecurity in the pig sector and in hunting is one of the most important measures for prevention and control of African swine fever. It is therefore necessary to promote cooperation between society and private sector and raise awareness of disease. The application of specific disease control measures and conditions avoids unnecessary disruption to the sustainability and marketing of pig production “.

Some of the topics on the presentation were biosecurity measures on farm and the importance of implementing them in order to prevent the introduction of the diseases. The visitors also had the opportunity to hear about the importance of animal welfare for sustainable agriculture, and the implementation of domestic animal welfare requirements.

Animal welfare expert Antonio Di Nardo said that the livestock sector in Serbia should grow and develop in accordance with the needs of exports, because agriculture is a very important economic branch in Serbia. He also pointed out the importance of the system of marking and certification of animal welfare. “It is the right time for farmers in Serbia to invest in infrastructure more suitable for animal welfare-farms, slaughterhouses and plants for processing animal production in order to be included in the future system of animal welfare certification. “It will be mutually beneficial – for both, farmers and animals”, Di Nardo said. 

The project „Reinforcement Animal health and welfare“ supports  the Veterinary Directorate of the Ministry of the Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management in harmonizing national legislation with the European Union and international standards in the field of animal health and welfare and biosecurity.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13