Day care for children and youth with behavioural issues opened in Novi Pazar with the support of the European Union

Novi Pazar, 11 February 2025 - Today, within the “European Union Support to Social Housing and Active Inclusion” Programme, a new house has been opened in Novi Pazar, where children and youth with behavioural issues will be supported through the day care social care service. 

"The “Empowering YOUth” project is a pioneering undertaking in the field of social protection for children and youth in Novi Pazar and beyond. Through the establishment of Kompas Day Care Center, for the first time, a service that functions outside the framework of the Center for Social Work was made possible, providing young people with a safe space for empowerment and development. The special feature of the project is reflected in the application of the principles of restorative justice and an individualised approach to young people, which directly contributes to their reintegration and active participation in society", said Albina Tutić, the “Empowering YOUth” project manager.  

“We are proud that, through this project, we have laid the foundations for long-term changes in the youth support system, and we believe that Compass will become a model of good practice for the wider community. This project is the result of dedicated work and cooperation with the United Nations Office for Project Services and the support of the European Union," she added. 

The project “Empowering YOUth - Inclusive youth behavioural initiative”, implemented by the Muslim humanitarian society “Merhamet Sandžak”, aims to establish new open community-based social care service and provide comprehensive support to children and youth with behavioural issues on the territory of Novi Pazar.  

Within the project, one house, completely equipped with furniture and household appliances, has been purchased. Additional equipment for play, occupational and recreational activities and the development of digital skills has been provided, to ensure adequate support for children and youth. 

“This project is one of the seven projects aimed at supporting the local civil society organisation within our Programme. The activities implemented by Merhamet Sandžak up to date and the pilot social care service for children and youth will greatly contribute to their better social inclusion and help them pursue education and other activities essential to their development and future. The new premises for the daycare will create a safe space for these young people and ensure the sustainability of the much-needed service at the local level”, said Dragana Milošević, EU SHAI programme manager. 

Until now, 10 young people have been supported through the day care pilot service, while 24 workshops have been organised for 300 children and young people from the community to better introduce them to the service.

"The city of Novi Pazar always supports initiatives that contribute to the well-being of our community, especially those aimed at young people. By opening and licensing the Day Care Center, we provide them with a safe environment for development, empowerment and integration into society," said Nihat Biševac, mayor of Novi Pazar.

"I thank the organisers, partners and donors for this important project, because only with joint efforts can we create an inclusive and supportive environment for our youth." The City of Novi Pazar will continue to support similar initiatives that strengthen our community and contribute to its social cohesion. Bearing in mind that all relevant institutions have signed the Protocol of Cooperation, we have many reasons to believe that coordinated support for children and young people will yield results and also open up space for the realisation of new, thematically similar programs. The focus of this project is on prevention, as much as on effective, joint response to perceived behavioural challenges. In addition to young people, institutions will also provide valuable support to their families in this way. The city of Novi Pazar implements a long-term policy of supporting young people at all levels and selflessly advocates for it. That's why I express my undisguised satisfaction with the project whose name itself is a clear message to the entire community: and our common goal: to empower young people!", he added.

Merhamet Sandžak has signed 17 Memorandums of Cooperation with local institutions and educational institutions, to upscale the licencing process of the day care social protection services, which will significantly contribute to reducing the risk of institutionalisation and better social inclusion of children and youth in Novi Pazar.


About the Programme 

The project is implemented with the “European Union Support to Social Housing and Active Inclusion” programme, funded by the European Union (27 million Euros) and implemented by UNOPS. Through 19 social housing and active inclusion projects, the Programme has provided adequate housing solutions and tailor-made active inclusion measures for 350 vulnerable families, with more than 1200 members. In addition within the Programme, five small-scale infrastructure projects have been implemented, to improve living conditions in the substandard settlements across Serbia. This project is a part of the last Open Call aimed at providing support to civil society organisations, through the provision of new premises for the provision of social care services and the establishment of new and improvement of existing innovative open community-based social care services.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09