Culture Centre in Svilajnac village Kušiljevo in new splendour thanks to the support of the EU and the Government of Serbia

The Culture Centre in the village of Kušiljevo in Svilajnac has been renovated with the support of the European Union (EU) and the Government of the Republic of Serbia thus creating condition that local population, particularly children and young people who make up more than 30 percent of the total population of this largest Resava village, have a place for social and cultural life.

The reconstruction included a new roof structure, a facade with thermal insulation, the replacement of interior and exterior joinery and all installations, in addition to the construction of a new stage and procurement of new furniture. This has created conditions for a folk ensemble nurturing folklore and tradition, local associations, and children's amateur theatre to gather and work in the Centre.

The EU through the EU PRO development programme invested 150,000 Euros in the reconstruction, and the municipality of Svilajnac participated with 34,000 Euros, while the Ministry of Culture and Information through its programme „Cities in Focus 2019“ provided support amounting to eight million Dinars.

"With agile local self-government that has already invested efforts in the cultural life and development of the municipality, you have shown and proven that you have the power to create an environment that all generations will benefit, from the youngest to the oldest people of this village and the entire municipality of Svilajnac ", said the Minister of Culture and Information, Vladan Vukosavljević, in Kušiljevo last night, at the ceremony marking the completion of works on this facility.

"I wish you to use this great space renovated with funds from both the European Union and the Government of the Republic of Serbia, but also with your funds, which you have earned, to be a gathering place, a  place to nurture the spirit of culture of this people and grow new talents," added Minister Vukosavljević.

“Through the EU PRO programme, the European Union provides support  to enhancing the quality of life of people in Serbia, and culture is a an important element of that life as it nourishes the community. The Kušiljevo Culture Centre is a true example of such a project, and I am particularly pleased to see lots of children here and hope that this place will their second home in the future, “said Michela Telatin, Head of UNOPS Office in Serbia that has been implementing EU PRO in partnership with the Government of Serbia, led by the Ministry of European Integration.

"This is a great day for culture in Svilajnac because we want to bring a new spirit to all our villages so that every place has its cultural facility," said the Mayor of Svilajnac Predrag Milanović, pointing out that this has been the first time the building was reconstructed since it was built in 1947.

Milanović said that there were many young people in Kušiljevo, which has close to 3,000  inhabitants, who would like to stay and work in the village, while the local self-government in addition to providing economic preconditions for this, also works on renovating schools, kindergartens and cultural centres in all villages in the municipality.

While expressing the gratitude for support to the European Union and the Ministry of Culture and Information, the Mayor of Svilajnac underlined the engagement of the employees in the local administration who had prepared the project and received funding for its implementation in great competition of 99 local self-governments participated in the EU funded EU PRO Public Call.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13