Cooperation for better communication of PAR results to citizens and businesses

In order to better inform citizens and the business sector about the results and improvements brought about by the public administration reform, it is important to have cooperation among all public administration bodies; this was pointed out at the first meeting of the Special Working Group for Planning and Coordination of PAR Communication held in Belgrade on 11 April, which was attended by representatives of 25 bodies.

The Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, with the support of the EU and in accordance with the Public Administration Reform Strategy 2021-2030, established and chairs this working group with a view to improving the coordination and planning of PAR-related communication activities carried out by the various bodies involved in this process.

At the meeting, it was pointed out that the success of PAR as a planned and organized process involving a large number of public administration bodies at different levels requires a well-planned and streamlined communication about the results of the reform to citizens and businesses. As the entire public administration reform is aimed at providing citizens and businesses with a modern and efficient public administration, it is very important that they are well acquainted with the novelties and improvements that the reform brings. This is why the cooperation of public administration bodies in the development and implementation of communication activities is exceptionally important.

During the meeting, the representatives of public administration bodies welcomed this initiative and expressed their willingness to actively participate in the work of the working group.

One of the important steps in this direction will be the development of a joint annual plan of communication activities and cooperation in its implementation. The Special Working Group for Planning and Coordination of PAR Communication will have several coordination meetings and implement various joint activities during the year, and its work will be supported by the expertise and financial support from the EU-funded project "EU for PAR Visibility and Communication".

During the meeting, project experts Suzana Trninić and Aleksandar Đukić presented the results of last year's activities on the promotion of public administration reform and announced the support activities that the project will provide during 2023.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13