The third workshop on the topic of registration of public property rights within the project "Strengthening local public property management systems", conducted by the City of Novi Sad - City Administration for Property and Property - Legal Affairs and the municipalities of Apatin and Sremski Karlovci within the Exchange 5 program, was held is in Sremski Karlovci.

The project is implemented within the Exchange 5 Program, funded by the European Union from the allocation for IPA 2014, and implemented by the Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government (MDULS) in cooperation with the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (SCTM) as an implementing partner. The contracting authority for all grant scheme projects is the Ministry of Finance, ie the Sector for Contracting and Financing Programs from European Union Funds (CFCU).

The topic of the workshop was the assessment of the value of property owned by local governments. The participants of the meeting discussed different approaches to determining the value of real estate, ie the need to keep adequate records of property in accordance with the legislation.

Within the project "Strengthening local public property management systems", a total of three workshops were organized on the topic of exchange of knowledge and experiences in the course of registration of public property rights in partner local governments, which successfully implemented this project activity.

Last updated: March 13, 2025, 15:05