Another tour of medical supplies from Europe has arrived

The Slovak Republic is one of the countries of the European Union, which offered Serbia assistance in the fight against the Corona virus pandemic, and today 5,000 protective coats, 247 packages with hygiene products, 15,000 PCR tests and five battery batteries arrived at the Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic in Belgrade. 

It is a donation made through the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism (EUCPM). The European Union also paid part of the cost of transporting this equipment.

The aid will be solemnly handed over by the Slovak Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ivan KorĨok.

Also, Germany offered help to Serbia, and a donation of 45,000 liters of hand disinfectant is expected, as well as 970 liters of surface disinfectant.

It should be reminded that through the Civil Protection Mechanism, France donated to Serbia five generators of 10 liters each, five oxygen extractors, five flow valves, five oxygen nasal cannulas, 200 masks with a high concentration of oxygen, as well as 200 masks with a low concentration of oxygen.

What is the Civil Protection Mechanism?

The EU Civil Protection Mechanism facilitates cooperation in emergency response, preparation and prevention between Member States, as well as several other European countries. Serbia became a member of the Mechanism in 2015, The mechanism was reactivated, at the request of Serbia, during the crisis caused by the coronary virus pandemic. Medical equipment, laboratory material, personal protective equipment arrived in Serbia through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, and one of the specific deliveries included the delivery of 10,000 masks from the European Union's emergency medical equipment warehouse - RescEU.

Last updated: March 13, 2025, 15:05