European solidarity at its best
Across the European Union, countries, regions and cities are stretching out a helping hand to neighbors that are most in need. Through the EU civil protection mechanism countries are showing solidarity at its best.
The three main types of aid the countries offering are:
Treating patients
Eleven intensive care patients from Italy and 3 intensive care patients from France are being taken care of in Austrian hospitals. Austria has also sent 181 living containers which can be used as shelters or mobile healthcare facilities at the disposal of Greek authorities for migrant camps in Greece
Cities and states across Germany are treating critically ill patients from Italy and France, making their own intensive care capacities available for around 175 Italian and French citizens.
Seven French intensive care patients from Mulhouse, are treated in Luxembourg. Another 4 have arrived from Thionville. Ambulance jets and two helicopters of the Luxembourg Air Rescue were integrated into the French Urgent Medical Aid Service.
Doctors and nurses from Romania and Norway have been dispatched to Bergamo, deployed through and financed by the EU Medical Corps.
Protecting health workers and citizens
Slovakia, Austria, the Czech Republic, France, Germany and Poland are sending goggles, masks, protective suits and gloves to Italy
Latvia provided more than 500000 masks and 300000 respirators.
Spain is receiving help from the Czech Republic and Luxembourg.
Bringing people home
Since the beginning of the outbreak, over 50,000 stranded EU citizens have been brought home, on board of over 230 repatriation flights facilitated and co-financed by the EU Civil Protection Mechanism so far. One in three passengers repatriated were European citizens from a different nationality than the country organising the repatriation flight. Many more intra-European flights, not through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, but chartered directly by Member States, are bringing citizens home daily.