EUR 93 million to Serbia for battling the Coronavirus

The European Union has allocated EUR 93 million as an aid packet to Serbia in her battle against the Covid-19 virus. Despite the demanding situation in which the EU member states have found themselves in during the pandemic, the EU has once again proven to be a reliable partner to Serbia when it is most needed.

Within the financial aid package, EUR 15 million is allocated for urgent measures, primarily for the transport of urgent medical equipment and materials, and then the acquisition of additional emergency medical equipment meant for the medical staff and general population. 

The remainder of the funds, in the amount of EUR 78 million, will be allocated to short-term and mid-term measures of support to opening new jobs and small and medium businesses.

The measures within the packet are already being realized: 12 cargo planes with emergency equipment and materials, whose transport is financed by the EU, have arrived in Serbia during April. Serbia has received 800,000 protective masks as well, protective medical suits, 300 non-contact medical thermometers, 100 triage containers and 100 oxygen concentrators. A donation of EUR 100,000 has been donated for the support to the most endangered women from 50 municipalities in Serbia.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13