Farmers can now apply for a total of 55 million euros

Farmers who submit their proposals within IPARD Measure 1 will receive a total of nearly 55 million euros in grants. The application procedure is running from 21 June to 10 September 2021.

Instrument of pre-accession assistance for rural development (IPARD) includes several measures, and the current Measure 1 deals with dairy, meat, egg, fruit, vegetable, grape, and other crops production (certain grains, oil plants and industrial crops).

Incentives in the fruit, vegetable, grape, and other crops sectors range from 5,000 to 700,000 euros, whereas in the dairy, meat and egg production sector, incentives range from 5,000 to 1,000.000 euros.

o see how you can obtain new machinery, equipment or even build new facilities, visit:

IPARD is the flagship programme in the area of agriculture, within which Serbia has been allocated 175 million euros between 2014 and 2020, in addition to 55 million euros in national funding. It should be noted that these funds will be at the beneficiaries’ disposal until 2023. Support is aimed at strengthening competitiveness in the area of food production and processing.

The assistance will contribute to a gradual adjustment to EU standards in the field of hygiene, food safety, veterinary, and environmental protection as well as diversification of rural economy. To apply for funding, you need to register your farm as an active agricultural holding. Among the potential beneficiaries of IPARD funding are Individuals – family farm owners, entrepreneurs, business associations, and agricultural cooperatives.

About Measure 1

Support via Measure 1 – Investment in physical assets of agricultural holdings, is aimed at providing technical improvements and investments in new machinery and technologies to improve productivity and competitiveness of agricultural production. Apart from that, agricultural holdings will also have a chance to adapt to the minimum requirements and standards of the EU in the areas of environmental protection, plant health and protection and animal welfare. For more information, please contact the Directorate for Agrarian Payments via email at or phone at 011/3020-100; 011/3020-101; 011/3107-013.  

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09