Market survey for improvement of inspection control

Within the project of the European Union "EU4Energy Labelling and Ecodesign", a market survey related to the energy related products in households was conducted.

Analysis of products such as washing machines, dishwashers, refrigerators, televisions, tumble dryers, air conditioners, set top-box devices, electric ovens for the household, space heaters, light bulbs, boilers and solid fuel boilers resulted with significant information on the market share of products marked with energy efficiency labels prescribed by law, manufacturers and products that dominate the market, as well as their prices.

The acquired insights will serve as a starting point for further analysis and improvement of work of the market inspection. It will also inform further compliance with EU legislation, market control and energy labelling of products.

"All data: statistical, geographical, related to the type and quantity of products sold, may be extremely useful in developing annual surveillance plans (for example, the types of air conditioners used in mountainous areas, ski resorts, etc.)", said Goran Aksentijević, Head of the Compliance and Product Safety Control Department, Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Serbia.

This database will enable the competent institutions to develop plans and long-term measures for lasting reduction of energy consumption, to the benefit of consumers and the whole society.

The aim of the project "EU4Energy Labelling and Ecodesign" is to strengthen domestic capacities to implement energy labelling and ecodesign regulations, in order to empower more effective inspection of energy-using consumer products, and enable Conformity Assessment Bodies to assess the compliance of these products with the legally prescribed requirements. Additionally, it aims to increase the comprehension of customers and the general public of energy efficiency labels on products. 

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09